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Deductibles, Copay, And Coinsurance — All You Need To Know

Last modified: Jul 25, 2023

A health insurance deductible is one of the main things you need to know when choosing your insurance plan. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves — there is plenty to talk about before making the right choice of insurance coverage. Considering the expenses incurred by a simple visit to a medical institution, often causing as much financial burden onto people as the illness itself, it’s only fair that we start with the definitions first.

By definition, deductible payments mentioned above are a specific part of your plan that you cover before the insurance actually kicks in. While there are several other key terms that you would need to understand, it is important to keep an open mind. In reality, they are actually less complicated than they seem and will definitely work to your advantage when trying to come up with an insurance solution.

The insurance deductible and copayments, and coinsurance costs, directly correlate to the monthly premium for your health insurance plan. And while you can’t put a price on health, it prepares you financially for any upcoming costs. Therefore, if you are looking to get some insurance coverage, individually or for the whole family, the best course of action is to understand each expense, seeing whether and how it fits your budget, and only then committing to a specific plan.

What Is a Deductible?

When it comes to paying your medical expenses, the deductible is one key element of the payment structure. This is the number of funds you need to pay out of your own pocket before your actual health insurance plan kicks in. In other words, until you reach that amount, all the medical costs are on you.

The fact that copays are also part of the plan while meeting your deductible is certainly a relieving circumstance. These will be explained in greater detail down below, but for now, knowing that they are set prices for specific medical procedures will be enough.

As for what is an insurance deductible and its overall importance in selecting proper health plans, you need to understand the correlation between it and the premium costs. A lower deductible will kick start your insurance much quicker but will probably be connected to a higher premium. Alternatively, a higher deductible will result in a lower premium — further below, we help you figure out which one works better for your needs.

What Is Coinsurance?

The exact point when you manage to cover the full amount of your deductible marks the start of a different payment plan — coinsurance. Namely, insurance policyholders who have been paying for incurred medical expenses all on their own will stop doing so the moment they hit the designated deductible amount, thus triggering their coinsurance in the process.

According to the coinsurance definition, this cost marks the start of the actual insured period — it is a specific payment structure in the form of percentages. There are legal regulations that determine the minimum coverage that the company needs to offer, and correspondingly, the part that falls on the policyholder. Nowadays, the coinsurance offered by providers ranges between a 50/50 coverage and normally goes up to 80/20.

What does this coinsurance mean when expressed in such percentages, you may ask? Well, it denotes the portion of the medical expense covered by the company and the remaining cost, which falls upon the policyholder. So, after covering your deductible amount, you will only cover a portion of the percentage when you are presented with a bill for a certain medical service. At the same time, your chosen insurance provider foots the rest of the bill.

After deductible costs, coinsurance is the second consideration for calculating your premium and choosing the right insurance plan. As illustrated above, the percentage covered by the company and the one left to the policyholders can vary significantly. In this regard, the greater the portion of the bills you cover, the lower your premium will be, and vice versa. Just make sure to account for all your medical needs and financial capacity beforehand.

What Is a Copay?

Learning about deductibles and coinsurance costs will help you understand how to benefit from your insurance plan after a certain time. On the other hand, a copay, short for copayments, is a permanent part of your insurance policy. It is available to insurance policyholders as soon as they sign with a provider as the first and most forwardly-presented form of insurance.

A copay definition basically presents this cost as a set price for specific medical services determined by the insurance company. The services are limited and mainly cover some general procedures or preventive examinations, the latter of which can even be available free of charge. What’s more, they are normally limited to in-network doctors (something you will be familiarized with down below), which further narrows down your treatment choice.

With all this in mind, the copayment part of any health insurance may well be the simplest. The prices in question are usually available in the policy agreement. Policyholders will get a transparent overview of just how much a visit to the physician, prescription drugs, and other medical assistance types will cost. Bear in mind that most insurance plans copay contributes to the deductible, so make sure to check for this when considering your options.

Copay vs. Deductible

Now that you know the existence and the basic roles of all of these types of costs in your health insurance plan, it’s best to compare and contrast them for optimal understanding. Starting with the first two — copays and deductibles — a set of examples will show you how each of the two works, correlates, and, ultimately, structures your insurance.

Example Case

Continuing to pay copay after deductible requirements are met is quite common. In contrast, the deductible is a single amount accumulated once a year. It can kick start your insurance plan once it’s finalized.

To better understand this matter, let’s take a look at our example insurance policyholder — Natalie. Natalie has chosen a coverage that works best for her medical needs as a relatively healthy, young, and energetic individual. Now, the question is, “what is a copay for her needs, and how much will it entail?” Just bear in mind that her copay may not be the same as yours, depending on the type of plan, etc. So, let’s assume that her plan includes a $10 copay for a regular examination at the physician, for a drug subscription Natalie’s copay is set at $25, and $200 for a visit to the emergency room.

Furthermore, Natalie’s annual deductible is set to $2,000, per se. The good news is that she has checked her plan thoroughly before signing anything on the dotted line and picked one where the copay contributes to the deductible. This means that the expenses she is covering out of her own pocket will also be calculated towards meeting the amount set as the deductible, i.e., the $2,000. To define “deductible,” in the sense of health insurance, we said that it was the amount the policyholder has to cover before the insurance company becomes involved and starts contributing to their expenses. So, if Natalie needs a basic physical examination, she pays $10. The doctor tells her she needs to do an MRI scan, which costs $2,500 — she covers the remaining $1,990, which is where the policy becomes active.

Coinsurance vs. Deductible

At this point, we are aware of the way all these terms function on their own. Plus, we have seen how Natalie — our health insurance policyholder example — has responsibly taken the time to choose a suitable health plan for her needs. As it seems, she has chosen one with a relatively low deductible because she is aware of her family’s medical history and would like to get the proper medical treatment. Hence, she agrees to a higher premium.

How These Two Work

The calendar year deductible amount for Natalie is $2,000, as mentioned previously. She had paid out this amount by the time she reached the tests for her condition, specifically the MRI. Now that the deductible is out of the way, her coinsurance is activated — Natalie has chosen a plan with a 70/30 coinsurance. Other options are also offered — from a 50/50 split, all the way to 80/20, so you can choose different combinations as prescribed by law for coinsurance, meaning her insurance provider will cover 70% of the costs incurred during treatments. Yet, she still has to pay the remaining 30%. Let’s say that following the MRI scans, and she needs to see a specialist, a medical consultation that costs $500. So, she pays $150, while the insurance company covers the remaining $350. At this point, she has already paid $2,150 and needs to start thinking about her over-the-pocket maximum.

After deductible, a 40% coinsurance would get her to the maximum more quickly, but she would also need to foot a bigger portion of the whole bill by 10%. So, we assume that the visit to the specialist results in Natalie undergoing a surgical procedure. The medical bill for this is $10,000, and her out-of-pocket maximum is $6,000. Therefore, she will pay the remaining $3,850 out of her 30% coinsurance and reach the max, with the rest being covered by the insurance company.

No Charge After Deductibele Feature

As you can see, the “no charge after deductible” is only a rare (and somewhat limiting) condition, whereas the policyholder still needs to continue paying money out of their own pocket until reaching the out-of-pocket maximum. This is when she has paid the full amount, and her insurance company covers all expenses incurred for medical treatments included in Natalie’s plan from thence on. As you may well conclude, the out-of-pocket maximum is another crucial element of the insurance plan you need to consider.

Coinsurance vs. Copay

Now that we have fully rounded up the process of covering medical expenses from start to finish, there is only one thing left to do — understand the difference between copay and coinsurance. The fact that both terms carry the same prefix may give you some initial idea. The definitions presented above make it all clearer. Seeing and pinpointing the key differences in the copay vs. coinsurance rivalry definitely gives prospective policyholders valuable insight when looking for their potential plan.


On the one hand, you have the copay, a fixed dollar amount for specific basic medical services. You will be made aware of the exact amount as soon as you pick up the prospect for a suggested insurance plan.

It’s the same with the deductible insurance costs, but when considering them, you will need to think in longer terms — basically, is it worth getting a low deductible for a pricey premium or not. No one can be certain of their health staying a certain way. However, some factors such as chronic conditions, family medical history, or recent illnesses could be useful indicators in the selection process. And with the term deductible meaning that this is the amount you will need to pay all on your own, it might mislead you into getting a plan with a high premium to get a lower deductible, resulting in policyholders paying extra for something they don’t, or at least likely won’t, be needing.

Anyway, going back to the copay, it is another set amount that policyholders pay each time they are getting a prescription, visiting a doctor, or performing any other of the specified procedures. The copay can contribute to the medical deductible amount set in the insurance plan, but this is a variable across plans. It is recommendable that you know that this is an expense you pay at the time of service, so Natalie, from the example above, would need to have that money on her at any given time she needs the specified medical assistance.


On the other hand, there is the coinsurance — a flexible amount determined by the cost of the service. We know from the insurance deductible definition that this is triggered when meeting the set amount, so shopping for the best policy ultimately means considering all these variables instead of focusing on just one.

Other than this, coinsurance is also characteristic for contributing to the out-of-pocket maximum. Policyholders covering the set percentage of their medical bills will eventually reach this max point, so you could say that the difference between copay and coinsurance is more in the manner of payment, all the while serving a similar purpose. A final feature of the latter is that our policyholder-for-all-intents-and-purposes Natalie is billed by the medical provider directly. Still, the procedure continues until she gets an Explanation of Benefits (EOB). Only then will she be presented with the amount she needs to pay, as well as the amount covered by her company.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses Overview

A 20% coinsurance after deductible may seem like an excellent deal, and it is in most cases; however, if you know you will need medical assistance, it helps to consider the out-of-pocket maximum as well.

By definition, this is the total amount that policyholders are required to pay before their insurance company starts covering all their medical expenses. In other words, what is a deductible compared to coinsurance is the total amount you pay for medical attention to this maximum.

Understanding how these expenses are incurred, and to which set amount they are limited, has helped Natalie immensely choose the best plan. Going back to the example, she has already met the maximum of $6,000 and needs a surgical procedure. The remaining part of the $10,000 bill is footed by the company and all other expenses. After all, meeting the health care deductible and other limits does have its perks for the rest of the year — make sure that the company covers all the procedures.

Cases of complying with all these costs and still not getting your necessary procedures covered by the insurance company are no rarity either. Treatments to some of the most serious diseases that appear suddenly (such as various forms of cancer) are often excluded from a coinsurance payment scheme in a specific plan or only partially covered once reaching the out-of-pocket maximum. To save yourself additional troubles in such difficult times, be wary of these details in your insurance plan instead of just focusing on the underlined and bolded charges presented upfront.


There is no doubt that the health insurance system in the States is rather complex. By looking at the definitions above, learning what is deductible in health insurance with example cases, and seeing how all the costs are interrelated and contributing towards the out-of-pocket maximum makes this clear enough. However, in-network doctors and other features must also be taken into account — hence the specific variants and arrangements down below that you may encounter during your search:

All insurance providers have the same copayment definition for this cost, but there will be a difference between the amounts for different services, even in the same company. If you have reached the deductible, services that aren’t listed as subject to copay will most likely be charged as coinsurance alternatively. Either way, being prepared to face various charges and rates is pivotal for any prospective insurance policyholder.

In-Network vs. Out-of-Network

This is a distinction between medical providers, with the line drawn between those that have an agreement with your health insurance provider and those that are only partially in the agreement or have no contractual connection. Upon reaching your deductible insurance limit, this will be a key consideration for your coinsurance costs — in-network health care providers will charge the chosen low rate, while out-of-network providers may be completely exempt from insurance coverage, or adversely, require a much greater contribution from the policyholder than usual.

Individual vs. Family Deductible

The policyholder from the examples above — Natalie — was only accounted for her individual healthcare needs. However, considering that she is married and the mother of two puts a whole new perspective on her insurance needs. It’s common for family members to take out individual and family policies or hold a single policy with separate costs.

More specifically, each insured family member has an individual deductible they must meet to trigger the coinsurance and simultaneously contribute towards the family deductible. The latter is understandably higher but may provide better coverage, and the same is true for the out-of-pocket maximum. Thus, if you are looking for a family health insurance plan, consider the caps on both these costs before making the final choice.


What does no charge after deductible mean?

This is a specific form of health insurance — if there is no charge after a deductible, your chosen insurance company will cover all following necessary medical procedures 100% once you meet the full deductible amount. In such cases, there is no coinsurance, but there is a set limit of the amount that the company can spend annually on your coverage.

What is deductible in health insurance?

In health insurance, the deductible is one of the many costs which are paid out up to a certain amount in order to trigger the activation of your full insurance policy. After meeting this amount (sometimes with copays accounting towards it as well), the coinsurance starts to apply and policyholders pay just the portion that they’ve agreed upon when choosing the specific rate.

How do deductibles work?

Deductibles work in a simple and straightforward manner, and all you need to know about them when discussing your specific policy is the amount of the deductible and the expenses that contribute towards reaching it. The latter is usually specified in the contract, while the former is best considered in correlation with the out-of-pocket maximum and the premium amount, in order to pick a plan that fits your financial abilities and medical needs both.

Do copays count towards deductible?

This is another variety as the ones mentioned above that will differ across insurance plans and providers. In some cases — yes, the copays count towards meeting the deductible amount, but in many others, this is not the case.

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